Monday, November 4, 2013

November News

Nov. 6th - School pictures due. Please return proofs even if you do not place an order. These are used  for the yearbook.

Nov. 8th - Veteran's breakfast

Nov. 11th - Veteran's Day Holiday - No School

Nov. 14th - Family movie night

Nov. 15th - Field trip money is due. Cost is $16.00. Make checks payable to PLAS.

Nov.22-23 - Patriot Marketplace (Fri. Hours-9:00-7:00, Sat. Hours - 8:00-3:00)

Nov. 25-29 - Thanksgiving Holidays

We will have our Thanksgiving Feast/Indian Pow Wow on Thursday, Nov. 21st. Please send a standard sized pillow case in a solid color (tan or white) for us to use to make Indian vests/dresses. Please send in a Ziploc labeled with child's name on the outside. Your child will also need and empty coffee can for tom toms. Please send these items no later than Nov. 15th. I will also be sending a list home of ingredients needed for our Thanksgiving soup and fruit salad. These items can be sent the week of our Thanksgiving feast. Thank you and have a great week!