Friday, October 18, 2013

Report cards will be sent home in folders today. This report is on social skills only. Please look over it and discuss any areas that need improvement with your child. You will see where your child can receive E for excellent, S for satisfactory, N for needs improvement, and U for unsatisfactory. Please keep in mind when looking over the first report card that I do not give E on the first evaluation of any skill. I always leave room for improvement.  You may also find that I will begin using these same scores for daily papers, so you are able to see areas that need improvement and so you know my expectations. Also, look over the new nine week's expectations on the report card so you are aware of what's being evaluated next time. Academic skills are on the next report. Please sign and return the report card in the blue envelope by next Wednesday.

We have completed our alphabet introduction. We have also started addition in math. We have learned the 0 rule - any number plus 0 equals the same number, and the 1 rule - any number plus 1 equals the very next number. Helpful hint: Give the number a birthday by adding 1! We have been going over this in class and always do lots of problems verbally before completing our work pages. Some are having a little more difficulty with adding 1. If you see on your child's paper where they have missed several, please reinforce this at home. I have also shown them how to draw dots out beside the numbers and add them together.  Practice makes perfect!!! Overall, I am very proud of the progress we have made in all areas so far.

I still don't have anyone signed up to help with the Fall Festival on Tuesday, Oct. 29th. The K5 classes are responsible for the Teddy Bear Walk. Each class will need two volunteers to work 30 minute shifts. Please email and let me know which shift you can help with:
Thank you so much for your help!!!

Items for our Operation Christmas Child boxes are due Monday, October 28th. Please send a $1.00 per child to cover postage on our boxes. Thank you for your help with this!