Thursday, January 9, 2014

Our field trip to see Goodnight Moon is Friday, Jan. 10th. Please have children to school on time. We will leave as soon as roll is checked. A note with all details was sent home the first of the week.

 Some children are still in need of new crayons and glue sticks as soon as possible.

The SGA school canned good drive will end next week. We are only 200 cans short of making our school's goal. Your participation is appreciated!!

Deer Hunt money ($10.00 per family) is due this week. This is our largest fund raiser for our school. The money is used to supply food for the hunters. All proceeds made with this fundraiser goes to technology for the school.

 Report cards will be sent home in folders today. Please discuss with your child, sign, and return in the blue envelope by next Friday. Be sure to look at upcoming skills for the next nine weeks, so you can reinforce these at home. I am pleased with our progress! We are all working on good classroom habits such as good listening skills, raising our hand before speaking, working neatly consistently, following classroom rules in general. Please talk with your child about the importance of developing good habits in order to be successful in school. Look over areas that need improvement on the report card and discuss these as well.
Your help at home is always appreciated! If you have questions or concerns, please email me or send a note and I will be glad to set up a conference time with you. Thank you!