Thursday, December 5, 2013

December Dates

Refer to the email I sent for more information about each of these important dates.

December 11th-12th PTO Christmas Store

December 13th Stephen Fite Field Trip money is due

December 16th Christmas Ornament money is due & have gifts for Christmas party to school by this day

December 18th Polar Express and Christmas Party

December 20th Early Dismissal

***Please practice sight words every night at home. We do them every day at school, but some are still struggling with them. There is a list of the words on the right side of the page. I add to the list each time we learn a new word. Also, the decodable books are beginning to get more difficult. If you see your child needs more time to practice feel free to keep the book more than one night. Just be sure to return it when you are finished.